Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 6: June 14, 2013 - The Roman Baths, Jane Austen, and a Scary Hostel

I woke up around 9:00 and showered and got ready. I grabbed a bagel and then we met downstairs are 10:30 to get on the bus for Bath! I tried to do some homework but that didn't really work out so I slept and listened to music. We got to Bath around 12:30 or so. We were meeting at the Roman Baths at 1:00 so we walked around for a bit, went to some shops. I went inside the Bath Abbey and it was really cool. It is crazy to me that they let people walk through their churches, even during services! We met at the Baths and got our audio headsets. It was really cool! It amazes me that people were so smart back then! The water was disgusting. We took pictures with a cool guy dressed in a Roman costume, I'm pretty sure he absolutely hates his job. We threw coins in the cooling-off pool and checked out the sauna room. It was really cool! We tasted the water, it was hot which was weird... Plus it was super gross. It was safe to drink but it was still really hot and gross. I bought a cool little head thing. 

After, we formed a group and went to find the Jane Austen Center. It was so cool! She never actually lived in the house that we were in but she just lived right down the street at a house that is now a dentist's office. We bought our tickets and went to this room where this girl talked about Jane and her life and her works for a bit. We then walked through the exhibits. They had a documentary playing, they had little rooms dedicated to each book. They had quotes from her books hanging on the walls everywhere. We tried on dresses and bonnets, learned the art of the fan, Jena wrote our names with a calligraphy pen on a piece of paper which was really cool, then at the gift shop I bought an "I Heart Darcy" bumper sticker and bags and bookmarks that say "Keep Calm and Read Jane Austen" on them. I just love Jane Austen so much, I'm really glad we got to go.

After that, we walked around trying to find a pub to eat at. We found one and I got a burger and a coke which was really good. We hung out for a bit because the pub had free WiFi. 

We then walked around trying to find some chocolate but everything closed at like 5:30! We did grab a brownie before they closed which was yummy. We headed back to the meeting spot and took some pictures and stuff. We got on the bus after everyone met up and headed to Salisbury. I just slept some more and listened to music. We got to the hostel and it was really sketchy. They were four bunk beds in our room with no freaking outlet plugs anywhere so all of our phones and cameras died. We had to put duvet covers on our blanket for good reasons but it was very difficult... let's just say a lot of "That's what she said" jokes were happening such as "I can't get it in" or "This is too hard" hehehe at least it was better than the guys' room - they had to walk outside to get to their room and it was really sketch out there. 

Some people went to a pub, I went downstairs to play cards because we had eaten at the pub right before we left and I wasn't hungry. It was fun, we were all tired and crazy. We played elimination Scum and I came in third! Most people went up to bed after that but Brandon, Stephen, Tayler, Kas, and I went into the common room. We chilled in there for a while. Then probably like six old guys (at least 60+ years old) came in. I was like should we leave...? Should they leave...? But they just sat down and we all started talking. We did the token "where are you from?" stuff but then they asked us questions about America and Utah and our majors and stuff while we asked them if Americans annoy the crap out of everyone and stuff like that. It was so fun to just talk to them and hang out! They are part of a club and they were all retired and living on pensions. So they were biking around Europe, they had biked 50 miles just that day! Crazy! They were just really fun and interesting. We talked to them for like an hour and a half. It was hilarious because we were just sitting there with a bunch of old dudes and Nate and Quaid walked in. Nate looked right at me and just gave me this face like "uh what the heck is happening right now...?" and then apparently felt uncomfortable because he left like five minutes later while shooting me another weird glance. But ya I thought it was really fun and interesting. We got ready for bed in the scary bathroom that had two faucets, one for hot, one for cold. And they were like extreme so you had to hurry and switch back and forth... Apparently when I was already in bed, an older gentlemen walked into the bathroom with only a Speedo on - lovely sight for Jess and Sam haha well good night! 

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