Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 3: January 21, 2018 - A Peeing Statue, a Stupid Train Station, and Dirty Chocolate

We got up around 8:00 the next morning. We packed up and got ready. We left our bags in the BnB and headed out to find Mannekin Pis. We stopped at a little bakery and got a croissant and a hot chocolate (it wasn't very good). We walked over to the Grand Place again. We wandered around trying to find the peeing little boy. We heard some bells so we went over to find where they were coming from. Turns out they were coming from St. Michael and St. Gudula's Cathedral. It was freaking huge. It reminded me a lot of Notre Dame. 

After wandering around a little longer, we finally decided to follow some Asians and they led us right to Mannekin Pis. If all else fails, follow the Asians. Mannekin Pis was a lot smaller than I thought. We fought the Asians and got some pictures. 

We went back to the Grand Place and took some pictures. Sam informed me that I had to be a good Instagram husband. Seeing as I got a Facebook only 5 years ago, I didn't know what an Instagram husband was. Apparently it just means that I have to be willing to lay on the ground and do random weird stuff to get good pictures of her. I think I did pretty good. 

I did pretty good on the jumping picture! My sisters should be very proud of me. 

We headed back to the BnB. On the way back, we found out that Van Gogh tried to be a Protestant pastor at Sainte Catherine's but couldn't handle it. Way to go man. Maybe that's why he cut off his ear? We got all our stuff and headed back to the train station. We were grateful we were only in Brussels for that short of a time, we saw all we wanted to see. 

There were old Christmas trees on the street everywhere. I thought they were funny. Christmas had been over for almost a month. Get it together Belgium people. 

Our BnB door. 

Finding the right train was a pain (that rhymed) and we almost missed it, or we thought we did. The train station was really confusing. We finally found it and headed to Bruges. We took a bus to our stop at Astrid (or Astird as Michael from The Office says it). We couldn't check into our BnB until 3:00 so we stopped and got some lunch at a burger place. 

Our BnB was just around the corner with a nice view of a canal. Our reservation said we were on the second floor. Lies. It was more like the third floor and up some super steep stairs. My life flashed before my eyes every time I had to walk up or down them. Our room was really weird. The bed and the toilet were on the bottom and then you had to climb a ladder to get to the sink and shower. The toilet was in a little closet where your knees touched the door when you were sitting on the toilet. It was really strange. It wasn't as nice as the one in Brussels. Oh well. It was cheap and we had a cute little view. 

We took a little nap until around 5:00 because we were so tired. We headed out on the town and discovered a lot of things were closed, either because it was dark or because of the time of year. We stopped by one of the many chocolate shops and got some chocolate. I have never seen so much chocolate, in so many different flavors and shapes. In the back of the store, they had some inappropriately shaped chocolate. I was dying. 

We walked around for a while and then found a place for dinner. I was really craving chicken and mashed potatoes and I got it. Bruges is pretty pricey - we spent like $60 on dinner. But it was good. We headed back to the BnB, played cards, and watched Netflix. 

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