Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11, 2013 - Last Day of Class, Abbey Road, Family Dinner, Talents, and Harry Potter!

Today was a really fun day. I woke up at 9:50, brushed my teeth, then headed downstairs. I worked on putting more pictures in my blog. If you are interested, I have put a lot of pictures that coincide with the blog so if you want to look back on it, go for it. Anyway, everyone in the higher class did their presentations which were awesome. I came upstairs and just chilled in the kitchen, had some breakfast. I took a shower, I cut myself shaving and it hurts - I put a Monster's Inc. bandaid on it and it didn't really help. I got ready then headed down to Nate's class. We really just talked about whatever we wanted to talk about because it was our last class. One of the best things I've ever heard from Nate is: "A text without its reader is like a milkshake (pause) without a yard" we all paused for a second to comprehend what the brilliant man just said, then Lex and I just burst out laughing. It was hilarious. Anyway, I came upstairs and made myself a grilled cheese - I made one last night at like 1:00 in the morning but I burnt it because I wasn't paying attention. Therefore I had to redeem myself. We all met up then headed over to Abbey Road!!! We were all singing Beatles songs on the way, it became a medley because we all had different songs stuck in our heads. We got there and it was hilarious because it is literally just a pedestrian crossing, no stop light or even a stop sign so there were cars coming all the time. We would just dart out into the road, stand there for five seconds then run back haha it was hilarious to watch. I did a picture with Sam (Lennon), Me (Ringo), Kasee (Paul), and Tash (  I wore a black shirt but that's all I did to get into costume. Kas took her shoes off which is really kind of gross but whatever. We did another picture with Sam, Me, Kas, and Shelby. Shelby however looked at the camera and smiled so it was dumb haha we had to redo it.

We got everyone's pictures then everyone split up - Jena, Shelby, and I headed back to South Ken. We stopped at Starbucks and got drinks, Little Waitrose to get food for tonight, then went home. We played around on our computers for a while then started dinner. We just made pasta and bread. It was so freaking hot in the kitchen that I had to pause every five minutes to climb into the fridge/freezer. We got it all figured out and everyone just hung out and ate. It was just a fun night to spend with everyone. I bought a little London notebook that I want everyone to sign. I know it is a little cheesy yearbook thing but I want something to remember everyone by. I started out the notebook with funny quotes we've shared this trip then I have a list of everyone's names then I had people sign it. Everyone started doing it as well - Lora had us all sign a Union Jack flag, a lot of people had us sign tube maps. It was fun but sad because we all realized we are having to say goodbye to London and each other soon. Not that we won't hang out when we get home but it'll be different of course. Plus, Stephen, Tayler, and Brandon are going to Rome early tomorrow morning so it was their last night in London. We all just sat around and talked. We played a game where everyone wrote two crazy facts about themselves and then we all had to guess who's they were. I did I broke my wrist when I was eight years old running into a drinking fountain and I've seen every episode of The Office at least five times. I couldn't really think of anything better. It was really fun to learn new things about each other and just spend time together. Afterwards, we all mostly wanted to hear the boys sing some more but they said that before they sing, we had to share one of our "talents" with the group too. So, us (me, Sam, and Kas) being the idiots that we are, decided to rap and crump for the group. I rapped the "Grab that bottle, twist that cap..." from Outta your Mind by Lil' Jon while the girls were my back-up dancers and singers. We put sweats on and our sunglasses and had our hoods up. I'm pretty sure everyone thought we were idiots but oh well, it was fun! Next Jena did the splits and Tex showed us some of her awesome ballroom dance moves. Mckell sang for us, along with Tash. Then Anna showed us some of her artwork and then Stephen and Brandon sang Yesterday by The Beatles, Hallelujah because we all love it, Stephen sang a song to Tayler which was precious, then Brandon sang some Josh Groban. We said goodbye for two days then I headed downstairs to do laundry. We tried to watch the first Harry Potter but it didn't really work out so we just did Pottermore instead. I did do it yesterday and got sorted into Hufflepuff which isn't a bad thing... but it's not a good thing either haha so I redid it and I was in Ravenclaw this time! So woo! I blogged, and I probably need to go pick up my laundry soon... I hope everyone had a fabulous day! Thanks to all the friends that I've made on this trip. You've helped make it the trip of a lifetime and I truly have made some wonderful friends. Plus you are all so freaking talented it's insane. Love you all! Good night!

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