Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 13, 2013 - Portobello and Packing and July 14, 2013 - Getting to Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Circus Maximus, the Mouth of Truth, and Dinner in Italy!

We woke up at 9:55 and ran down to Rick's flat for the Italy meeting. We just talked about transportation and what we are doing. We went upstairs and got ready for the day. We then all met up and went to Portobello road and market! It was really cool, really really busy, probably because it was a Saturday. Plus it was freaking hot! But it was really fun. We just walked around all the little shops and booths. I got a really cool Frank Sinatra record! The guy that sold them to us was really cool and nice. He had some awesome Beatles ones. We walked around for a bit, browsed. We were hungry but we couldn't find an ATM that worked or took out less than £80. So we just got a water than headed back to Gloucester and ate a a pub, our last pub! I got lasagna and water. We then went back to kings cross and went to the 9 3/4 shop for Sam to get a t-shirt. We then headed home and began packing! All four of us were packing at the same time so our room was ridiculous, crap everywhere you couldn't even move. I started pretty well but I had a few freak out moments because it actually became real that we were leaving and packing sucks. I called my mom freaking out a few times over the weight and stuff. She helped calm me down and told me if we had to pay extra we could. I was determined not to however. I finally finished and all my flatmates said it wasn't very heavy, they guessed like 40 pounds so I guess we'll find out! We went to Waitrose and I bought £38 worth of chocolate! Hopefully it all fits and doesn't melt. We came home and finished packing and then just chilled. We cleaned the kitchen, got rid of most of the food, finished all the dishes. It was really weird cleaning out my home for five weeks. I showered and then we decided to stay up all night because it'll be easier. It was so freaking hot in the flat that we all just sat there baking. Anna drew portraits of us which was cool. I put a ton of pics on Facebook of Harry Potter! I got everything all settled and ready to go. We finished cleaning everything up, stripped our beds, and headed down with all of our luggage at 3:30 in the morning. We took all the trash down and we got on the bus. The bus driver had put my backpack in the deck below so I grabbed it and he was like you taking that on the bus? I said yes... He said make sure you strap it in and stuff because if we stop suddenly it'll go flying. I was like oh ya um ok! I'll strap my backpack in and not even me... Anyway, it was a bit of a ride to the airport so I fell asleep. We went inside, checked in, and stood in the line to check in our baggage. I was so worried about my suitcase and it being overweight, standing in line didn't make that stress and anxiety better... I finally made it to a check in thing. I went up to the lady and was like ok hopefully this works and I'm not too full! I put it on the scale and it was 25.1 KG when you're only allowed 23. I was praying she would just put a sticker on it and put it through but with my luck at airports, of course not! She was like you either need to take out 2kg or pay £40. I was like let's try to take stuff out... So I took out my jeans and a few heavier souvenirs. It finally went down to 23 and she let me go. I grabbed the rest of my crap, pulled off to the side, and had to sit on my carry-on suitcase in order for it to squish shut. Kas and I went through security (had no problems there so that was nice) and then found the gate. I had another stress freak out moment at the gate and cried for a bit but then I got a vanilla bean and a dr p and felt better. We got on the plane, Missy helped me shove my carry-on in the holder and then I slept the whole plane ride. We got in to Rome around 11:00. We got off the plane then sat around while Rick figured out our metro tickets and Roma passes. We got on a bus that took us to the metro station that was about an hour, I slept the whole way. We got down to the metro and rode it to our stop. We then had to carry our suitcases for about a 15 minute walk, uphill, to our hotel. We were all dying! We got in the hotel and just all collapsed. They checked us in. I'm rooming with Sam and Kasee. We went up to our room and it's tiny - my bed is right by the door, then Kasee's is a foot away from mine, then Sam's is right by Kasee's by the bathroom. Tiny! We freshened up as much as we could in 15 minutes then headed downstairs and we all headed to the Caracalla Baths. It was really cool - they are like the Roman baths but in actual Rome... Haha it was really cool. They were huge. We walked around for a bit, then lounged around in a park garden thing. We then headed to Circus Maximus, where the ancients Romans would chariot race and stuff. Brandon and missy and Tayler and Stephen did piggy back rides and ran a race to the entertainment of the rest of us. We then walked over to the Mouth of Truth which is in the Audrey Hepburn movie that I cannot remember for the life of me. We didn't get to put our hands inside because there was a huge line and I think it may have cost money. We hung around the statue across the street then headed back to the hotel. We just hung out, showered, got ready, then went down to the hotel lobby for our free dinner. They gave us bread and pasta. I forgot that pasta is like their salad here. Next was a lemon chicken, salad, and fried potatoes. The chicken was yummy, the salad had a nasty oily dressing, and the potatoes were good. Then for dessert they gave us a coconut mousse thingy with sprinkles on it which was actually pretty good! We came upstairs, got ready for bed, and just crashed at like 9:20. I hope everyone's doing well! See you on Friday! Night!

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