Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 10: June 18, 2013 - Wellcome Museum, Vespers at Westminster Cathedral, the Blues, and Cat Kasee

So last night the boys came down and we played this game, the name has something to do with kings... I went to bed around 1:00 while watching The Emperors New Groove baby! I woke up this morning at 8:30 and got ready. Jena and I went to this little French bakery to get Kasee a little something for her birthday. We don't know what it's called but it was chocolate and filled with cream so it sounded good. We stopped at Waitrose and got caffeine. I went to class. I love Greek mythology! I came upstairs and prepared for my next class and just chilled in the living room with the girls. Nate's class always makes my brain hurt. He asked us what happened in 1517 and we were all like do you really expect us to know what the heck happened in the year 1517?!? I hurried upstairs and made some spaghetti which was pretty good. We then went downstairs and went on a group tour to the Wellcome Museum. Ok this museum really freaked me out, it's all about medicine and the body over the ages.

There were a lot of weird sex artifacts and some really freaky things so Jena was like uh do you want to go and I was like yes please! So we came home, stopped at Ben's Cookies - I got a chocolate shake that was more like chocolate milk but still good and a peanut butter and chocolate cookie which was actually really good. We came home and I fell asleep on the couch doing homework... Didn't really work out for me. Then I hurriedly changed into a dress because we were going to Vespers - some Catholic Church thing. We went to Westminster Cathedral which was really pretty.

There was a boys choir singing and it was so beautiful. Everything about the church was beautiful, except I felt an absence of feeling, like I didn't feel the normal happy, calm feeling I get when I go to an LDS church. It was really cool and all but it just confirmed to me that I'm in the right place. Afterwards, we stopped at Pret and I got a croissant which was super yummy! Then went got on the Piccadilly line and headed to Piccadilly Circus. We went to this Blues club which was really fun! It was really small and reeked of smoke. We got carded which was cool because I've never been carded before haha then we just listened and hung out for a bit. This really awesome black guy was playing the harmonica and singing while this other dude was playing acoustics on the guitar.

It was really cool, fun to experience some of the London culture and music. We came home and sung to Kasee. Brandon and Stephen made her an amazing Cat Kasee song and performed it for all of us. Then we played this game with Tayler to figure out how many children we were all going to have. That sounds really weird but she like dangled a necklace over our right hand and if it swings in a line, it's a boy and if it goes in a circle it's a girl. And then when it stops, that means you won't have any more children. I got one girl and three boys so we'll see how that goes haha then I worked on my budget for a while - doing pretty good! Oh and the Maroon 5 money got transferred into my account which is super nice. I'm sad it was cancelled but now I get to go to Disneyland Paris so yahoo! I facetimed my parents, blogged, and I'm going to go take a shower. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of glad I'm not home this week - Jess and Cory are moving into their condo and I really didn't want to help them move... That sounds mean and I love you guys! But I'm just glad I don't have to help haha we are doing a bunch of Shakespeare stuff tomorrow so yay! Love you! Have a good day/night!

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