Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 17: June 25, 2013 - the Tate Modern and Monsters University

Today was a pretty chill, fun day. I woke up at 9:00, showered and got ready while watching Ratatouille (I still haven't finished it yet, don't judge!) I went to myths and worked on my presentation for Nate's class the whole time. I came upstairs and I felt pretty good about my presentation so I listened to some church hymns and worked on pictures. I was having a really hard time but the hymns helped. My presentation went ok, I started out rocky at first but I got the hang of it and it turned out pretty well. I'm glad Nate had a lot to say and helped me out a bit. I came upstairs and made some pasta and had some bread and cheese. We then met downstairs to go to the Tate Modern Museum. I'm not a big fan of modern art but I felt that I would just dote on my homesickness if I stayed home. I also didn't want to do homework so what the heck? It actually turned out to be really weird. I don't understand how some of that stuff is considered art. I mean I could make that and I'm an awful artist. 

We left and went to Waitrose. I got Dr. P and some baggets - yum! Then we just had a very chill night. A lot of people aren't feeling well and I'm pretty sure I'm dehydrated so I have a headache. I took a little nap on the couch and then Shelby massaged my head while we watched a pirated version of Monsters University haha don't tell. It was really cute! Then we all just chilled, ate candy, talked. I started some papers but then got bored and didn't want to do them. I blogged instead. I'm going to go to bed soon to try to shake off this headache so goodnight! Hope everyone is doing well and isn't missing me too much :P love you!

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