Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 3: June 11, 2013 - V&A and Midsummer at the Globe!

Today was so much fun! I woke up around 8:00. I slept ok last night - I woke up from 1:00-3:00 but I just watched The Office and went back to sleep. I got ready for the day then worked on some homework. I had a bagel with cream cheese and some milk for breakfast - I know you all wanted to know that... I had class at 10:00 so after chilling with Jena in the living room for a bit, I headed down to the basement. By the way, I think someone counted our stairs - freaking 62! I want to die every time I go up them. Anyway, my first class was Heroes, Myths, and Legends. I love mythology, I took Crampton's mythology class in high school and loved it! Rick is teaching it and he is focusing a lot on Anglo-Saxon and Celtic mythology which is way cool. After that class, we had a group meeting. We just went over a few little things. I headed back upstairs and SparkNoted my Modern Legacies book... don't judge me, it's a hard read. That class was at 12:30 and there are only three of us in that class - Lexi, Cassidy, and Me. It was interesting because the book we have to read, Orlando, is really weird and about some guy that is kind of a player and then he later turns into a chick.. I don't know, I'm just glad it's on Sparknotes. Plus I have the book on my iPad and so while Nate was reading passages and stuff, I was still looking for the right page on my version. Oh well. I dropped my stuff off upstairs. I got some little microwave pizzas at Waitrose and I tried one out - it wasn't very good...

We hurried downstairs because we were all going to the Victoria and Albert Museum that is just a few blocks from our flat. It was HUGE! I was with Kasee, Tayler, Brandon, Stephen, and Anna and we stayed from like 2:00-5:00! It was so fun to hang out with them and look at all the cool stuff they have in the V&A.

We went back to the flat and then Kas and I went looking for something to eat. We went to the Pret-a-Manger (a sandwich shop) across from South Kensington tube station. I got a ham, cheese, tomato, and bacon hot panini thingy. It was ok, not the best, not the worst. I stopped at the little Waitrose and grabbed a Dr. P and some chocolate - YUM! We hurried back and ate and got ready.

We were going to see A Midsummer Night's Dream at the freaking Globe Theater! I still didn't have my tube pass so I met Rick at his apartment at ten to 6:00 and we headed down to South Kensington to get my Oyster Card. I felt bad, Rick bought so many yesterday that his bank put a flag on his card so he had to use his personal card. Everyone else arrived just as we had finished which was perfect. We all got on the super crowded tube (I assume it was because everyone was getting off of work) and got off at Mansion Place station. We walked for a bit then crossed this bridge on the Thames River. The Globe was SO cool!

The outside was all medieval looking. We stood in line for a bit. We were in the standing up section - they call it "Groundlings". We walked in and it was just so cool! I can't believe how many plays have been performed there and all the history. The play was so amazing! The guys were hot which was a plus and it was just so fun seeing it at The Globe and everything. Because we were standing and I had already spent all day on my feet, my feet were killing me! I kept like squatting and leaning on the back to try to relieve some of the pain. I took my shoes off during intermission and rubbed them, that helped a little. After the play, we went inside the little gift shop. I didn't buy anything but we are going there two more times so I might later. We sat on some steps that led down to the river, Kas and Brandon picked up rocks from the Thames. We crossed the bridge again and got back on the tube. We walked back to the flat.

I finally got to shower! I don't have a towel yet because we haven't had time to go to the one store so... but Kas was the shiz and let me borrow hers. It felt so good to be clean! I did some homework and wrote this! What a wonderful day! See you tomorrow!

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