Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 12 & 13: June 20-21, 2013 - British Museum, Piccadilly Circus, and First Day in Paris!

Sorry about not posting last night - I was already up super late packing then we had to wake up super early to catch the train to Paris. So I'll catch you up. I woke up around 9:30 really tired because Jena and I had stayed up until 4:30 just talking. I went down to myths and tried not to fall asleep. We had a meeting to discuss Paris after. We talked about what time we were leaving, what we were doing when we were there, etc. After the meeting I headed down to Waitrose to get me and Jena some caffeine. I stopped by Starbucks and got me a Caramel Vanilla Bean then went to the ATM and got the Maroon 5 money out to disperse to all the mourners. I came home and chilled for a bit. I went down to Legacies and it was actually a pretty good class. We met outside at 2:00 to go down to the British Museum. It was huge! We looked for the mummies first and found them, they were super cool.

We checked out all the Greek and Roman stuff then hit up the African stuff. We saw Cleopatra's actual tomb and mummified body. We also saw pieces taken from the Parthenon in Greece!!! It was so cool! My next adventure will be in Greece because I'm dying! We headed back to the flat and stopped at Ben's to get some cookies - yum! Kasee, Sam, and I wanted to see if we could get tickets to Les Mis so we changed into dresses then headed over to Piccadilly Circus. The box office was sold out and we checked out a few little ticket stands but they were ridiculously expensive so ya know. We walked around Piccadilly, hit up Cool Britiannia. I got some things for my family and a keep calm and carry on shirt for me because I've always wanted one. We went to Lilly Whites for Sam to get shirts for her friends. I found Stephen and Brandon wristbands that were the Chelsea soccer team so whenever they raise their fists and say Chelsea exasperatedly, it'll say my name! Haha We went to Blackfriars and tried to eat at this cool pub we found but it was super busy so we just went to South Ken and ate at an Italian restaurant. I had these things that were like mozzarella sticks so they were pretty good, not as good as Sonic though. We came home and started packing. The boys and Tayler came down and said their goodbyes. I made them sing Happy Birthday to my momma, she loved it I'm sure! We all found each other on snapchat and we were all snapping each other when we were five feet away. I skyped with my family, got ready for bed, then watched Ratatouille which I thought was cute since we were going to Paris today.

We woke up this morning at 5:45, got ready, then met everyone downstairs. We headed to King's Cross, went through security, we had time to grab a little something to eat or whatever so I grabbed a Dr. P and some gummy bears. We got on the train around 8:00. I was going to do some homework and stuff but I slept the entire time which was probably better anyway... We got off and went to our hotel. It is called the Ibis Budget and it is actually really nice! I'm in a room with Shelby and Jessica which is awesome. The showers here are so much better than ours at the flat in London. After we settled in for a few minutes, we met everyone downstairs and headed to the Louvre! We were all hungry so we stopped to grab something to eat. This is going to be embarrassing but our first meal in France was McDonald's... Don't judge us, the whole being in a different country that speaks a different language threw us off. By the way, Paris is so dirty! Compared to home and even to London, it is freaking nasty. Plus all the people are mean and meh. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of regretting coming on this side trip. I could have used the money on better things and I've been to most of the places but hey YOLO and it's already too late so whatever. Hopefully gong to Disneyland will make everything better. We went inside the Louvre and checked out the Mona Lisa, the Venis de Milo, the Winged Victory, we (by we I mean Shelby, Jess, and I) stayed in there for a couple hours then we went outside and took lots of pictures and got harassed by the crazy black men trying to sell us crappy Eiffel Tower stuff.

We all met up at 6:00,walked across to the Left Bank and the Latin Quarter and tried to find a place to eat.

We ended up at this place that was really expensive but good. I got like half a chicken haha and some really good mashed potatoes.

We ran to an ATM to get cash out then just walked around the city. We came across one of the Lock Bridges. I bought a locket, wrote CRK + ? Haha it was really fun.

We met back up with the group then came back to the hotel. I showered and blogged, Jess was the shiz and gave me a foot rub, and now I'm going to bed because I'm exhausted. Night!

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