Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 9: June 17, 2013 - Tower of London, Tower Bridge, and Primark

Today was tiring but good. I woke up at 9:00 and got ready. I wore my new shirt I got at the market yesterday and my new owl necklace! I had a bagel and Froot Loops for breakfast then we all met downstairs to go to the Tower of London! We got off the Tower Hill station and walked over. We waited for the next Beef Eater (soldiers/guards of Tower of London) tour to start. Meanwhile, Nate started spouting "facts" that sounded legit because he's so smart and stuff. Then he was like ya that was total crap! It made me question if what he teaches us in class is actually correct or if he just reads the first info paragraph on Wikipedia and brings all these books in with like pictures of giraffes or something. Whatever man. Anyway, the Beef Eater came and he was really sarcastic and funny. I loved learning about the history of the Tower. This time in history is just so fascinating to me. We walked through and saw the Traitor Gate, where the guards still live, the White Tower, and ended in one of the Queen's chapels. At the end, everyone had been split up so Tasha and Shelby and I walked around, got an ice cream, then we walked though the White Tower. It was pretty cool, they had lots of armor and guns. When we walked out, we spotted some people in our group at the front of the line for the Crown Jewels - we didn't plan on doing it because the line was forever long but we just snuck up with them which was awesome. It was really cool! The scepters and the crowns were insane! 3000 freaking carets, you've got to be kidding me. Afterwards, they went to the White Tower while we went to the Bloody Tower - the torture chamber. They had like the stretcher and the manacles where they would leave the hanging for so many hours. The worst one was when they would fold you to where you were hugging your knees then they would put this thing over you and just squish you, awful!!! It was really cool though to learn about. We went into this little shop and I bought a little book. A lot of the places we went we weren't allowed to take pictures so this book had a lot of the history and pictures too.

Then we sat on a bench waiting for the rest of the group. There were little school kids in uniforms that were eating lunch next to us - so cute! We met up with everyone then walked down and across the Tower Bridge which was super cool!

When we got to the other side, we looked for a pub but all of them were either closed or weren't serving food - it was freaking 2:30 in the afternoon! We finally found one after we walked around for a while and we were all whining. I got an appetizer of chicken strips! And some lemonade, well it was more sprite with a lemon in it... But it was still good! I went to the bathroom at the pub and it was a little sketchy because I had to walk through like a million doors... Oh well I'm alive. We walked back across the bridge and got on the tube to go to Primark! Primark is like H&M but so much better! It was a killer not to buy more than I did. I bought a rain jacket, some socks, a shirt that says Lon-freaking-don on it - pretty much every girl on the trip has the same shirt so we can all be twinners.

Shelby and I ran next door to McDonalds to get fries and I tried a McFlurry, I got Cadbury Crunch and it was actually really good! We made sure we had everyone then got on the tube. We got on the wrong train TWICE! But we finally made it home. Then we just had a really chill night, I did my pictures, had some food, and the boys came down and I think we are going to play cards or something. Anyway, night! Hope you guys are doing well and missing me like crazy. Love you!

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